Te Arawa
Possibly New Zealand’s best known tennis player here and abroad, Ruia started in her first Māori Tennis Championships in Gisborne in 1947 through to 1953 where commitments to national and international tournaments began. Ruia competed in Wimbledon, 1957,58,59 and 60 where she reached the quarterfinals.
National Titles
1954-55 NZ U/19 Champion Singles, Doubles and Mixed
New Zealand Open Championships:
1955-56 Doubles
1956-57 Singles and Doubles
1958-59 Singles and Doubles
1959-60 Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles
1960-61 Singles
1961-62 Doubles
1962-63 Singles and Doubles
1964-65 Singles and Doubles
The New Zealand Federation Cup
1965, 1972 (captain)
Māori Tennis Championships
1957 Singles
1970 Singles and Doubles