Programme of Events

Māori Sports Awards

Saturday 26th November 2016

5:00 p.m. – 11:30 p.m.

Vodafone Events Centre, Manukau, Auckland – Black Tie Dinner Event


5:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

5:50 p.m.

5:55 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

Powhiri – Event foyer

Guests to make their way inside to awards tables.

All Guests to be seated for awards (assistance from ushers)

Opening address, House Rules and introduction of MC by Co-host Rahia Timutimu

MC Te Arahi Maipi (Mihi and Preamble)




6:05 p.m.





















8:35 p.m.




Awards Opening

Entertainment by Rob Ruha

Māori Sports Administrator

Māori Umpire/Referee

Disabled Māori Sports person

Māori Sports Team

Māori Sports Coach

Tamariki Day insert

10min break for guests and ENTERTAINMENT 

ACC Maori Olympic & Paralympic medal winners (insert of Maori Olympians)

Māori Sports Award Scholarships (MIT)

Māori Sports Award Scholarships (Skills Active)

Māori Sports Award Scholarship (NZ Cricket)

MANUKATOA MSA Combat Sports Scholarship

MMD – Māori World Champions Awards

AC – Māori World Champions Awards

Entertainment by Tama Waipara

Junior Māori Sportswoman

Junior Māori Sportsman

Senior Māori Sportswoman

Senior Māori Sportsman

Albie Pryor Memorial Māori Sportsperson of the Year

Entertainment by Seth Haapu

Poroporoaki – Ta Tamati Reedy

8:50 p.m. Plated Dinner
9:40 p.m. Live Entertainment
11:30 p.m. Awards Event concludes


        Entertainment tonight provided by…

       Maisey Rika, Rob Ruha, Tama Waipara, Seth Haapu


Programme of Events