Individual Māori World Champions

“Te Pikinga o Tawhaki”


In the traditions of Tawhaki it secures people within strength, the illustrious, and loyalty to current and past community values. Tawhaki represents the inferior and admiration of cultural customs, and how we illustrate admiration to those customs. Tawhaki was elegant, gifted, manipulative, and he used these skills intelligently when it came to overcoming challenges.

It is for this reason that the Māori World Champion/ Champions should be blessed with impressive supremacy, to be suitable for someone of this status.

māori sports awards nomination form

I ngā tikanga ā Iwi mō Tāwhaki whakamaua te tangata I roto I te kaha, te rongonuitanga me te pūmautanga ki tēnei wā ki te wā o nehe. Ko Tāwhaki te tohu o te pononga me te mīharotanga mō ngā tikanga tawhito, ā; me pēhea hoki e taea ki te kawe I aua tikanga. He huatau, he pūmanawa, he manawaroa a Tāwhaki, ka whakamahia e ia ēnei āhuatanga hei kaupare I ngā whakapātari.

Nā runga I tēnei take me whakawhiwhia te āhuatanga o te whakamīharotanga o te toa ki runga I te tangata Ihuwaka Māori o te Ao, ki ngā Ihuwaka Māori o te Ao.