Senior Māori Sportswoman


Trophie-SeniorWomanWhen Tane began life for all living thing he searched in vain for a way to perpetuate life in his form. He was sent by the spiritual beings to a place called Kurawaka where the soil was red and fertile. From Papatuanuku’s loins he fashioned in the earth the form of a woman and he breathed life into her – she was first human being – she was Hineahuone, Hine who comes from the Earth. Tane mated with her and begat Hinetitama. Hineahuone is acknowledged as the ultimate human eponymous ancestor for all genealogies, she is the spring of humankind or the ultimate woman.

It is for this reason that the Māori Sportswoman should be named in the spirit of an illustrious beginning, she is truly ultimate.

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Ka mutu ā Tāne ki te hanga I ngā mea ora katoa ka rapu haere me pēhea rā e taea e ia ki te hanga I tētahi kia rite ki ā ia.
Ka tonoa ā ia e ngā wairua-ora ki Kurawaka te wāhi kei reira te oneone whero. Mai I ā Papatūānuku ka hangaia e ia te wahine ka tuku I tōna hā ki roto I ā ia, koia te tangata tuatahi – ko Hineahuone. Ka moea e Tāne ā Hineahuone ka whānau mai ko Hinetītama. Ko Hineahuone te tiketiketanga o te tangata ora me ōna kāwai whakapapa, koia hoki te tino ruahine.

Nā runga I tēnei take ka tika me whakaingotia te Wahine-toa Māori i runga I te wairua hau o te tīmatanga, koia te mutunga mai.